Hello, everyone! First of all, this is my first participation in a code jam. This program display recorded and predicted global temperature. You start in the year 1880 and will travel to 2077. 

Recorded temperature: NASA https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/

Predicted temperature: Climate Action Tracker https://climateactiontracker.org/global/cat-thermometer/

Font used: Press Start 2P by CodeMan38 on Google Font https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Press+Start+2P?query=8#standard-styles


There are 4 different ways to try the program just pick the best for you.

  1. You can play the Browser build (If you like sub 15 Fps). Make sure to maximize the game window (the game is 1600x900)
  2.  The recommended version is the .love archive. (you need love2d installed on your machine) 
  3. App image (Linux)
  4. exe (Windows64). 
PlatformsWindows, Linux, HTML5
Release date Sep 03, 2021
Made withLÖVE
Code licenseGNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL)
Average sessionA few minutes


Global Temperature Forecast.love 271 kB
GlobalTemperatureForecast.AppImage 4 MB
Global Temperature Forecast-win64.zip 4 MB


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Well it's not a very "gamey" game, but cool idea!
100% sticks to the jam's theme, an important subject, and I was REALLY impressed that you actually took real temperatures from NASA, wow.

Maybe if we could control the temperature in between 2021-2077, like by recycling more or use green energy (such a solar panels), the gameplay would make the game more "gamey" :)


Very nice presentation

I liked it, very educational game

On the web it loads up to 1 on 2.

So I downloaded ... And it's really nice to see the evolution of the temperature over time of years. =)